
Wake Up Asia 3

We bring you the highlights of Wake Up Asia 3 on 28 April 2024.
We were pleasantly surprised to have Dr Syafiq Nordin drop by during the event.
I believe this is his first public interview since his public apology.

You may read more the post I wrote about him here.

Persecuted Doctors: 

Dr Shankara Chetty talking about his lawsuit.

Stunning Message For the World from Japan from Professor Masayasu Inoue @ Wake Up Asia 3.

No to MRNA by Dr Kenji Fujikawa from Japan

The Bitter Pill of Medicine by Prof Dr Mustafa Ali Mohd, Malaysia.

Transforming Justice with AI by Raymond Ng

No more vaccines, all vaccines by Steve Kirsch

Johnny Vedmore unveils the power behind the throne. 

Of CIA, WEF and more. 

Give it to me, the whole thing. 

Now, if you have come this far. Do support our work as we are taking legal actions against HSA. Step by step, we will restore justice. We the people will win. Have faith. 
The Healing the Divide Team. 

I talked the the Pfizer Event Staff. Watch what happened. Went better than I expected! 



Dear Readers,
I'm not funded by any institutions etc. Everything I have done, from my numerous videos to blog articles, I've done it out of a sense of social justice for what is happening around the world, fuelled initially by the Quackzines and Scamdemic. I continue to do what I do because I worry for humanity and for the continuation of the Singaporean population, threats to our National Sovereignty and threats to humanity. The world needs all of us to do whatever we can to stop the impending disaster. I thank you for supporting me in my work and for keeping me in your prayers. When you support or purchase my materials, it will go towards paying outstanding fines, lawyer fees and to keep my lights on. Sincere gratitude and appreciate. Thank you for doing your part. 


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