
A police report has been made about the recent Presidential Election.

On 14th Nov, 2023, Iris Koh made a police report regarding the recent Presidential Elections. Here are the details. 

Brief Description of the Police Report:
I am writing to report several incidents of alleged wrongdoing in the recent Presidential Elections. My concerns revolve around the qualification of a candidate, Tharman, and the subsequent actions of the Elections Department.

My involvement in this matter began with a petition and several videos addressing the issue, including participation in an appeal to the Supreme Court. These actions stem from the proposed bill allowing the President and Ministers to take on foreign appointments, which I believe conflicts with the current constitutional provisions.

I quote from Lim Tian’s facebook wall, “This Bill suggests to me that Tharman had no right to stand for election to the Presidency if he was serving on foreign bodies and had not relinquished his positions on them at the time of the election. And he should not have been issued a Certificate of Eligibility in the first place by the President Election Committee (PEC).”

On Nomination Day, August 22, 2023, I visited the Elections Department to object to Tharman's candidacy. However, the Returning Officer, Tan Meng Dui, failed to acknowledge or receive my objection notice, allowing Tharman's participation despite my attempted intervention within the allotted timeframe.

I hold the view that Tharman's continued involvement in foreign political roles during his candidacy poses a potential security risk to Singapore's sovereignty. The failure of the Elections Department to address or evaluate this is deeply concerning, given the vital role of the President in safeguarding our nation.

How can we the people be subjected to such gross negligence and this over-sight when the President is such an important role, guarding our reserves and taking command of the police and the military? 

Subsequently, on August 26, 2023, I was warned by a police officer that discussing election matters at Lau Pa Sat, including Tharman's disqualification, could potentially breach the Public Order Act. This restriction on expressing my concerns raises questions about freedom of speech and the rule of law in our country. The police officer’s actions also appear to obstruct legitimate whistleblowing and hindering public discourse.

Despite all the media knowing about my objections on 22 August 2023, none of them reported about it in the Media,, which further leads me to think that there is a deliberate efforts to cover up this wrong-doing by the Media, who is funded by the State:  $900 million SPH Media Trust. As such, they should be serving public interest to inform voters about this important concern, not cover up. If they had highlighted these concerns, we may have very different elections results today. All these people have obstructed a fair elections in Singapore. 

Furthermore, I wish to report an incident where the Assisting Returning Officer filed a police report against me and publicised it in the media. This act seems to aim at discrediting me and suppressing my efforts to address these issues and to intimidate me further not to speak up regarding this important issue and wrong-doing. 

I seek clarification on these actions, as they appear to obstruct justice, legitimate whistleblowing and hinder public discourse.

I acknowledge that my understanding may be limited as a concerned citizen, but I believe these events warrant investigation to ensure justice not just for me but for the people of Singapore.

I am cognizant that Parliament aims to address these issues through a bill, but I firmly believe that rectifying wrongdoings cannot be done via a vote. 

I also want to remind the AGC in their duty to citizens to address issues of national importance fairly to uphold the rule of law in Singapore. 

In the words of Margaret Atwood, “But in a true democracy, it should be the laws and not the opinions that ought to govern."

I trust that the Police Force will impartially investigate these matters and uphold the principles outlined in the Police Pledge.

  1. We pledge to be loyal and true to the Police service and the Republic of Singapore.
  2. We pledge to uphold the law, to protect life and property, to prevent and detect crime.
  3. We pledge to discharge our responsibilities without fear or favour, regardless of race, language or religion.
  4. We pledge to strive for excellence, to be proactive and to exercise initiative in our duties.
  5. We pledge to serve our community and our country and to be courteous and humane in our dealings with every fellow man.

The current Bill is stressing many people out. I strongly urge the Police to investigate the wrong-doings outlined as soon as possible before any Bill is allowed to be passed. I will also be submitting this police report and warning all Parliamentarian and Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon about my concerns. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Dear Readers,
I'm not funded by any institutions etc. Everything I have done, from my numerous videos to blog articles, I've done it out of a sense of social justice for what is happening around the world, fuelled initially by the Quackzines and Scamdemic. I continue to do what I do because I worry for humanity and for the continuation of the Singaporean population, threats to our National Sovereignty and threats to humanity. The world needs all of us to do whatever we can to stop the impending disaster. I thank you for supporting me in my work and for keeping me in your prayers. When you support or purchase my materials, it will go towards paying outstanding fines, lawyer fees and to keep my lights on. Sincere gratitude and appreciate. Thank you for doing your part. 


Iris Koh.  

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