Updates re Iris Koh's Lawsuits 

We bring you updates of Iris Koh's criminal charges and the Judicial Review against the AGC regarding the mishandling of her phone, laptop and email hard drive. 

Thank you all for your support and we hope to give you an update in reverse chronological order of her ongoing JR and criminal proceedings. This is work in progress, but once ready, you can come here for the latest in court hearings, updates etc.

Thank you for your support and keeping her in your prayers. We send you much love back in return.

1st June 2023. Updates re Iris Koh's JR vs AGC. 

On 10th May, there was an administrative hearing. 

1. AG/AGC did not file their notice of intention to contest or not contest the originating claim. 

2. The due date for the AG to file his reply affidavit was 9 May 2023, 21 days after they were served on 18 April 2023. The AGC was late. 

3. Court granted AG time until 29 May to file the reply affidavit.

4. As of 29 May 2023, the AGC replied that " Having further considered the matter, we write to inform the court that we will not be filing a reply affidavit."

It seems they will just be preparing their defence using legal points brought up in our affidavit.

5. Next case conference before Senior Assistant Registrar will be on 7 June at 9:30a.m.
Only lawyers are allowed.

6. Written subs for leave application to be filed by 23 June at 4pm.

7 Leave application fixed for special half day hearing before Justice See Kee Oon on 30 June at 10 am (court details to be confirmed. I'm waiting to see if members of the public can attend)

This is the hearing to see if Iris can get leave from court for my JR to proceed to the next stage. Once this stage is passed, she will need to pay the next stage payment of $25,000 to her lawyers so that this matter can be heard in court. If she wins, her Magistrate complaint against the Police officers can then continue / resume.

8. DPP noted that AG is of the view that JR application is frivolous and vexatious and they may make an application for person costs orders against counsel. 

That is all for this update re the JR.

In the meantime, Iris will be going to the Cantonment Police Station to assist in the extraction of data from my devices. The dates are as follows: 

5th June  930a.m-1p.m

8th June  930a.m-1p.m

12 June 230p.m-6p.m

15 June 930a.m-1p.m

Please keep her and her lawyers, forensic team and those assisting her in her lawsuits in prayer. 

This work is for the people and to create a fairer, more just society, upholding the rule of law. 

May God continue to protect us. 

If you wish to support her and her ongoing legal law suits, you may fill up the form below to get a compilation of Iris Koh's work for Singapore.

To read more and support my JR, you can go to: https://gogetfunding.com/defending-the-foundations-of-democracy-and-preventing-abuse-of-power/

Thank you all so much,
Healing The Divide Team.

Healing the Divide - https://t.me/healingthedivide
